
Stephenie Hovland wanted to be a teacher and a pastor’s wife ever since third grade. (She’s pretty goal-oriented.) Recently, she left the classroom (but not the pastor) to pursue another passion in her life: words!

Currently in Wisconsin, she writes devotions for all ages, educational resources for teachers, fiction and non-fiction for children, and much more. Stephenie has been published primarily by Concordia Publishing House and Creative Communications for the Parish.

She has been speaking professionally to women’s mission groups, church retreats, school groups, writers, and teachers. Please visit the speaking page to learn about her current speaking topics.

Stephenie volunteered to edit and proofread for her church and school for years. (Yes, she was the one who complained about stray apostrophes.) Then, she took some classes and did some higher-level editing before embarking on her professional freelance editing career. Please visit the editing page to learn about her current editing schedule and guidelines.

She volunteers in leadership roles, parish music, education, and life-affirming ministries. For fun, you can find her storm spotting (staring at clouds) or tending a campfire (poking it with a stick). If you want to get Stephenie talking for hours, just ask her what book she recommends. (Not sure you actually want to do that.)

Check out my Amazon page!